CD Launch
Florian Hecker
Articulação (Editions Mego, 2014)

Lumiar Cité, Lisbon

CD Launch  Florian Hecker, 2014

Following his exhibition at Lumiar Cité in 2012, Florian Hecker has produced Articulação, a CD to be released by Editions Mego. Articulação deepens Hecker’s collaboration with Reza Negarestani, author of the libretto created for Hinge. In two distinct renderings this piece articulates a complex scene in which the two obelisks of the script – one from the perspective of nature and one from the perspective of culture – are recited simultaneously in an informational yet dramatic style.
Hinge* features the legendary artist Joan La Barbara as its main voice and is delivered in microtonally converging pitches with sparse sample accurate time lags, shifts and twists. The repolarizing phrasings of Hinge recall Artaud’s Theater of Cruelty as much as Beckett’s minimalist narratives. Here the listener may construct a hinge, a pendulation between the right and the left obelisks; embarking upon navigation and synthesis while tracing the chimeras of nature and culture.
In apparent contrast, Hinge** engages the disparate modalities of its sources, complicating any assimilation of their respective traits. With an insight on the complexities of Hecker’s chimerized pieces, Robin Mackay summarizes: According to psychoacoustical research, the brain functions that serve to identify the ‘what’ and the ‘where’ of a sound operate upon different timescales, a finding Hecker exploits to produce sequences in which the fine time structure of one voice is sheathed in the amplitude envelope of another, producing an entity that remains recognizable as a voice while being spatially delocalized and semantically scrambled, and which the listener must reconstruct as a unified yet impossible synthetic creature – a chimera.
Between these pieces, Modulator (... meaningless, affectless, out of nothing ...), reveals, in a structural and formal manner, the synthetic means of modulation and topological transformation that appear in disguise in Hinge**. In a sequence of short episodes and chronics Modulator celebrates the notion of sound as an Immaterial. Its syntheticness and modern generation occurring as a bottom up and top down process across different scales, exciting the human minds hallucination of objects on the basis of auditory cues, without obvious compounding of a narrative progression.
Articulação is an isolated masterpiece of text, sound and synthesis.

Florian Hecker (1975) lives and works in Kissing (Germany) and Vienna. Notable among his numerous solo and collective exhibitions and performances are: C.D.— A Script for Synthesis, Guggenheim Museum, New York (2013), as part of Performa 13; Soundings: A Contemporary Score, MoMA, New York (2013); Articulação, Lumiar Cité, Lisbon (2012); dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, Germany (2012); Nouveau Festival, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (2012); Push and Pull, A two day performance event,Tate Modern, London (2011); MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt (2010) and No night No day, in collaboration with Cerith Wyn Evans, 53 Venice Biennale (2009). In addition Hecker has an extensive discography with works released on labels such as Editions Mego, Pan, Presto?!, Rephlex, Warner Classics and Warp.


Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 148 - 3º C
1050-021 Lisboa, Portugal
Monday to Friday, 10h00 to 13h00,
14h30 to 19h00

Tel: + 351 21 352 11 55


Independent Study Programme
Call 2024
Until 03.09.2023


Manthia Diawara
Angela Davis: A World of Greater Freedom
Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon
30.09.2023, 19h00

Commissioned by Serpentine, MUBI and PCAI Polygreen Culture & Art Initiative, as part of Serpentine's Back to Earth project.



Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 148 - 3º C
1050-021 Lisboa, Portugal

The discussion will be in English.
Entry is free and limited to the number
of seats available.

Encounters between art and philosophy

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Sala 3, Zona de Congressos
07.–08.05.2024, 11h–13h,14h–17h

Programme 5
True or false

Salam Cinema (1995)
by Mohsen Makhmalbaf
with Esther Leslie and Jihan El Tahri

with Esther Leslie and Jihan El Tahri

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Auditorium 2
09.05.2024, 18h30


Programme 4

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Programme 2:
(de)framing the frame

Meeting the Man:
James Baldwin in Paris (1970)
by Terence Dixon

with Sarah Lewis-Cappellari
and Kerstin Stakemeier

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Auditorium 2
23.11.2023, 18h30

Programme 1:
space, place and memory

with Billy Woodberry
and Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Auditorium 3
13.10.2023, 18h30

Manthia Diawara
Angela Davis: A World of Greater Freedom
Sharjah Biennial 15
07.02. – 11.06.2023

Manthia Diawara
A Letter from Yene
Batalha Centro de Cinema, Porto


Amanda Boetzkes
Realism Without Authority
01.04, 04.04.2022
10h–13h, 14h–17h

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Registration is free but limited to the number of seats available. Please send an email with a short CV to by 24.03.2022. Confirmation of registration will be sent by email. The seminar will be in English.

Lumiar Cité

Rua Tomás del Negro, 8A
1750-105 Lisboa, Portugal
Wednesday to Sunday, 15h00 to 19h00
or by appointment.
Tel: + 351 21 755 15 70

Loretta Fahrenholz
Circle Navel Nil
24.04. – 27.06.2021

24.06 | 18h00 Online conversation with Sabeth

Buchmann, Loretta Fahrenholz and Jürgen Bock


Dozie Kanu
20.01. – 14.04.2024

20.01 | 16h00 Opening of the exhibition

16.03 | 17h00 Talk between Dozie Kanu

and Simon Thompson


Sid Iandovka & Anya Tsyrlina with Leslie Thornton & Thomas Zummer
once in a hundred years

27.04. – 28.07.2024 | Lumiar Cité

18.05. – 28.07.2024 | Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

A combined exhibition between
Lumiar Cité and Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg.

A co-production by Lumiar Cité
and Artium Museum

14.10 | 17h00 Book launch with talk between

Alejandro Cesarco and
Miguel Wandschneider

| 18h00 Opening of the exhibition


Artium Museum, Vitoria-Gasteiz
24.03. – 24.09.2023


Lumiar Cité
14.10.2023 – 14.01.2024


The Educational Web
Kunstverein in Hamburg
01.04. – 06.08.2023

Closed 24, 25, 31 December and 1 January

Arne Kaiser and Jürgen Bock

In cooperation with Lumiar Cité:

Tiffany Chung
Thu Thiêm: an archaeological
project for future remembrance
08.06. - 08.09.2019

Johann Jacobs Museum

In co-production with Lumiar Cité:

Alejandro Cesarco
Other Recent Examples
24.03. - 24.09.2023

Artium Museum

The Educational Web
31.03. - 06.08.2023

Kunstverein in Hamburg

Maumaus/Lumiar Cité is funded by República Portuguesa – Cultura/Direção-Geral das Artes. With the support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa and Junta de Freguesia do Lumiar.

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